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The exhibition “Memorabilia” of the artist Brutus Pomodoro opens on Saturday, December 5 at 6pm at the Galleria Open One in Pietrasanta. The exhibition, curated by Fiammetta Galleni and sponsored by the municipality of Pietrasanta, is a complete path around the creative work of Brutus Pomodoro, a excursus that starts from the drawing and arrives at the jewel lingering on the sculpture for a long time.

The exhibition will be open until January 17, 2016 with the following timetable: from 5 to 22 December and from 7 to 17 January, Monday to Friday, 9-12 and 15-18. Holidays and Preholidays and from December 23rd to January 6th, by appointment by calling 329-4919903.

The artist
Graduated in biology, Brutus Pomodoro is approaching the drawing by collaborating as a scientific draughtsman of the CNR. The first graphic approach is therefore that of the exact description of the natural reality, of the biological phenomenon. But soon, seduced by the artistic influence in which it grew, it passes to use the design and painting as a purely artistic means and gradually arrives at the abstract-geometrical composition, with which it deviates from the probable, from Narrower figurative references.

Brutus creates an archetype, a module, a pictorial code (which relates to embryonic morphology) that reproduces, recomposes, multiplies into a variety of shapes and repeatable colors to infinity as new cell bodies, living essences. A way of making visible what is directly imperceptible by the human eye.

Its archetypal forms become the focus of its expressive language and of all its artistic creation, whether expressed through painting, collage, sculpture or Microsculpture and the jewel: the composition of nature translates into decomposition Geometrical shape of the essential, ancestral form; The basic element of each living organism is transformed into a basic element, necessarily abstract and first.

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